What are the top bioinformatics concerns for researchers that perform next-generation sequencing? We wanted to understand their “top of mind” concerns and not prompt users with a list of potential answers from which to choose. So, we asked over 400 scientists in government, private, commercial and academic labs in the United States, all involved in performing next generation sequencing, the following simple question:
“What words would you use to describe your top concerns about your NGS bioinformatics needs?”
The responses were unprompted and participants simply wrote in an online survey their top 3 concerns. Free text responses were analyzed and then categorized for the creation of this word cloud:
Out of 44 categories, cost, accuracy, data analysis and data interpretation are of primary concern. Other high ranking concerns relate to time consumption, coverage/depth of coverage issues and data storage. If you would like to get the full list of their verbatim comments or to discuss your NGS market research needs send us an email at info@perceptaassociates.com and we would be happy to speak with you.
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