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Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Research in the USA and Europe -

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Research in the USA and Europe Publication Date: April 2020
Company-wide electronic copy: Complimentary


On April 3, 2020 we fielded a brief survey to the Percepta panel of life scientists. We received 1,015 completed surveys from around the globe.  Key findings from the research are summarized in the attached report.  This report is a “Pulse” report: our intent is to field it periodically as we navigate through the upcoming months of this pandemic measuring progress and change.

Here are a few highlights from this first COVID-19 Pulse Report:

  • During the week of March 30, 2020 43% of laboratories surveyed experienced a complete closure; 37% in the US and 53% in Europe. Highest closure rates observed in the UK (72%), France (70%) and New Jersey (53%); lowest closure rate observed in Germany (20%), industrial segment (22%) and California (31%)
  • France, Spain/Portugal and Italy had <10% of research labs fully operational during this time.
  • Although a majority of laboratories were closed (43%), or had limited access (additional 43%), respondents indicated, on average, they were still able to spend almost two thirds (62%) of their regular work time engaged in research-focused activities either in the lab or at home.
  • Overall respondents indicate they spent an average of 15% of their work time on bench work and 85% on non-bench work during the week of March 30, 2020. Bench work consists primarily of advancing existing projects (39%) and performing essential lab services such as maintaining cell, equipment, animals
  • In total 18% of respondents across the US and Europe indicate they are currently working on COVID-19 diagnostics or therapeutics.
  • Over half of respondents (58%) indicate research projects have halted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Overall, 39% of respondents anticipate they will be worse off for funding/budget as a result of COVID-19; industrial segment has a slightly more positive outlook on budgets/funding compared to academia
  • In aggregate three quarters of respondents have been engaged in data analysis and two thirds in online/video seminars or conferences over the past week
  • Significantly more academics engaged in drafting manuscripts, writing grant proposals or attending online seminars or conferences compared to industry
  • In total 30% of respondents have ordered lab supplies over the past week. Significantly more in industry engaged in experiment design and ordering lab supplies (44%) compared to academic labs


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